Aka She who must be obeyed, The all knowing, all seeing inifinitesimal being. Rule 1) This is the person who sets the rules. Rule 2) Beware she will try to make you think that you have a say, that your opinion matters, that you are being consulted to make a collective decision. Don’t be fooled!! Rule 3) There are only 3 types of outcome: informed dictatorship (madam dictator tells you directly what is going to happen), voluntary dictatorship (madam dictator asks what you want to do and by some miracle you manage to get the answer right so now she will present this as a voluntary option) and informed voluntary dictatorship (madam dictator asks what you want to do, you get the answer wrong so now you are giving the correct answer and therefore while informed, you have also been consulted).
Rule 4) under no circumstances must you make it known that you are aware of the dictatorship. You must participate fully to each type of decision making process
Rule 5) once you are informed of which of the 3 types of dictatorship today is, the correct answer is thank you
Failure to follow any of these rules will result in an entirely miserable And unhappy existence with any and all privileges revoked.
Following these 5 simple rules and giving madam dictator multiple kisses a day will ensure that you live a long, happy and prosperous life in the dictatorship
Good morning Madam Dictator. What is today’s instruction please?