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male sex slavery

the concept of the female CONTROLLING the male with their "cootchie" !!
once the male gets it's first "taste" , it is HOOKED FOREVER !! (and never the same!)
the female can then demand the most ridiculous things from the male in exchange
for a "slice of pie" IF the male refuses to "play ball" , he is "CUT OFF" !!

it takes a MIGHTY MAN to be able to just say: FUCK YOU ! , and walk away !!
the substance (vaginal 'envelopment' leading to "shot" movement") works like (and may as well BE) DRUGS !
once the male is "hooked" , he no longer is in control !

the lucky ones who CAN get away, "burn in hell" trying to find a 'replacement' ! , be it another human, or some

kind of replacement substitution ! ("fleshlight" , "auto suck" , food, alcohol, "professional woman" , e.t.c.)

of course, after about age 40 , very few females have much use for sex , leaving the male to find itself
with great troubles ANYWAY ! "for better or worse" seems to be forgotten , after the children have been

manufactured! the female is more than happy to dispense with the "messy chore"

it is my belief that the male who has taken great pains to "satisfy" (read: orgasm!) their female all along, suffers way less from this!

the male gets to burn with extreme sexual desire from puberty to the GRAVE! , unlike the female who SEEMS to
be a creature with much lesser sexual needs , reproduction being tantamount ! to any "drive"

once, john could get past male sex slavery...response: megan must be GOOD !

male sex slavery has possessed MANY a male !! , and driven others INSANE !

by michael foolsley December 21, 2021