Source Code

Malicious compliance

When a superior gives you incredibly bad orders, and out of spite, you follow them to the letter, knowing the result is going to be disastrous.

Bobby: Don't change the formulas of this report. If you do, you're fired.
Frank: Whatever you say, boss.

Two weeks pass. Bobby calls Frank in to his office.

Bobby: You knew that report contained errors in its format. Why didn't you fix it, you shit?

Frank: Because you told me not to, you dick. It was malicious compliance.

by Laurentus February 11, 2018

Malicious Over-Compliance

A variation of malicious compliance where you respond (or offer to respond) with way more than what was asked of you, in order to try and pressure the asker to back off.

Sue: "So I told my husband I wasn't ok with him staying at his ex-girlfriend's house when he visited her town," and he was like, 'fine, I'll never hang out alone with any female friend - ever - if that's what it takes for you to trust me'!"

Sam: "That's some grade-A malicious over-compliance. My Mom's the queen of it. I told her I didn't have time to talk for 3 hours on the phone every day and she goes 'oh I'm so sorry, I'll stop bothering you with my sad, boring life - I'll never demand speak to you again... but perhaps you would allow me a 2-minute call on my birthdays and maybe Christmas?' Like, geez, lady!"

Kid: "Bye Dad, I'm gonna hang out with some older guys in a parking lot."

Sam: "No you're not - it's 10:30pm on a school night ."

Kid: "Fine, I guess I'll just stay home all day every day and never do anything but study and pray!"

Sam: "That's nice, kid - now do your homework." *turns to Sue* "Yeah, my daughter apparently inherited the malicious over compliance talent from gran-gran. I was sort hoping she'd get Mom's singing talent, but nooo... just the theater drama."

by Mai Ainsel July 9, 2020

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