Malwa is a girl name she is mostly an Albino and has a fat ass and she could have sex all the time
Wow she has a big ass
Im sure her name is malwa
Malwa is my hot sexy alpha male, shes so cool! #helpmeimtakenhostage
Malwa~ Stop being so alpha male 🥺
A malwa is a girl with a fat ass
Damn that gurl has a thicc ass that mus of been a malwa
Malwa is a girl who always smiles and is very funny. Also very sexy and a little bitch with an gorgeous ass. She's flirting with you and at the end you have sex with her.
Boy 1: Oh man, yesterday I had sex with...
Boy 2: A Malwa!
Boy 1: How you guessed that??!
Boy 2: You said 'sex'...