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Mandingo effect

A miss remembering of the size of a penis from the past to be much larger than it was/is

Billy's Ex: Billy gots a huge dick!!
Billy's Current gf: 3.5 inches is big to you?
B. E.: I remember it hurting though...
B. C.: That's because he fucked you in the ass and you're suffering from the mandingo effect

by King PaulWall November 7, 2019

62👍 23👎

Mandingo Effect

When you're fucked by so many black guys that you wake up believing or wanting to be from a different timeline or dimensions.

Larry: Hey did you know it's called the Berenstain bears not Berenstein? It's the Mandela effect!.
Josh: Hey Dave! Did you hear what Larry said?
Dave: Larry? Nah he's crazy , keeps talking about the Mandela effect more like Mandingo effect.

by SammyB320 February 10, 2018

56👍 49👎

Mandingo Effect

When like you notice something is different and you're right but you're the only one or maybe like one other person but you're totally correct

"That's the mandingo effect"

by [Satire] November 3, 2022

4👍 4👎