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manlet uprising

The top secret manlet (stunted sissy boys shorter than 5ft10) plan to somehow sneakily overthrow the rightfully ruling magnificent manmores (6ft+ tall real men) and average height (5ft10/11) men who naturally terrify them and to then finally live in a fictional manlet paradise where high heels are free and height actually doesn't matter (because everybody is a devastatingly dwarfed and girlishly gnomish manlet queen). Here the microscopically minuscule midget manlet monstrosities would of course live completely segregated from all womenfolk because even when there isn't a single manmore left on earth, obviously no women is going to consent to committing social suicide by dating a preposterously petite and scandalously stunted, puny little manlet princess. And so the inherently effeminate manlet fairies are then forced to replicate by means of mitosis, a fact that amusingly doesn't prevent them from perpetrating aggressive mating attempts upon one another and collectively engaging in mortifyingly futile manlet mating rituals in front of basketball arenas and microbiology labs. Manlets, when will they learn?

Manmore 1: Do you think that the Bagel Boss Manlet would be the ladylike leader of a short-lived and subsequently subjugated manlet uprising or would the dubious honor got to Todd "Turbo-manlet" Howard? Manmore 2: Tiny Todd "Stacked Heels" Howard, for sure! Manmore 1: Todd "High Heeled Homunculus" Howard it is then. Manmore 2: Manlets rise up!

by ManletDepreciator October 11, 2024