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March 11

People born on that day are amazing,sweet,hot,talented and funny
They are good friends

My birthday is on march 11

by OKIMNUSA November 4, 2019

667πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

March 11

March 11 is national β€œYour crush has to ask YOU out day”

Person: I have a crush on you
Their crush: Will you go out with me? since it’s March 11 i have to ask you out
Person: Yes!

by Banana thotto November 3, 2019

211πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

March 11

National Boys have to say yes day.

Karen: Hey joshua can I have a hug
Joshua: ew no
Karen:it’s march 11! You have to!

by cheeky cheeseeeeee March 10, 2021

33πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

March 11

March 11 is National cuddle with the closest guy to you day

Maria - "guess what day it is"
Derek -"yes my favorite day March 11th"

Maria - "let's go to my room to celebrate this amazing occasion ;)

by Eatmybootytillimwet October 14, 2019

246πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

March 11

National Thicc person day.πŸ‘

Person 1:Do you know what today is?
Person 2:No why?
Person 1:Its March 11
Person 2: So what about today?
Person 1:Its National Thicc person day all Thicc people were born today.πŸ‘

by [Thicc Nicki] November 3, 2019

93πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

March 11

national dumb bitch day

Jasmine: β€œBro I feel stupid as shit today what’s the date something’s off”
Friend: It’s March 11
Jasmine: ohhh dumb bitch day

by thot the thooter April 24, 2019

219πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

March 11

People born on march 11 are le best coz they cute and like reading , they smart af and they have just rlly rlly nice . I can not explain how amazing these people are

Nell- Hey , isnt it John's birthday
Joliver- yeah , he's born on march 11

Nell- explains a lot 😳

by @nellisweird on tiktok January 6, 2020

41πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž