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mars rover

A unmaned machine that landed on mars. First thing it did was take a picture of itself... that way you know its truely american

mars rover

by chrisguy April 26, 2004

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mars rover

a device sent to mars, which will look at rocks and transmit data to earth, looking for signs of water. however, due to lack of planning, the mars rover is regrettably not waterproof.

So, uh, how about that mars rover, eh? That's um, goin to mars?

by Orion January 16, 2004

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mars rover

Spacecraft sent to Mars that land and have the ability to move from their original site. Currently referring to Spirit and Opportunity, which were launched in 2003. Part of an ongoing program began in the mid 1990's that is currently planned out to around 2009.

May also refer to Pathfinder or Beagle 2.

"The Mars rovers are completely friggin justified, cost less than a few bombs, could possibly give hints to whether or not there is life elsewhere in the universe, and Bush didn't send them, idiots."

by Patteroast January 27, 2004

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mars rover

The mars rover's lineage can be traced back to Earthling settlers on the planet Mars, who allowed their pet 'dogs' to cross-breed with the local wild-life. This eventually became known as the mars rover.

God-damn mars rover! Shat on the carpet and won't stop roaring and flailing his tentacles!

by bluntpencil2001 April 26, 2005

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mars rover

A pure example of Much Ado About Nothing.

Hey, we could have sent a probe to Death Valley and saved some money!

by Zach G. January 15, 2004

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mars rover

A person who is out of it and seems to always be spacing out is a mars rover.

John is such a mars rover he never hears what i say.

by abraham solomon January 14, 2004

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mars rover

someone who, for lack of sleep or alcohol poisoning, is not completely "in control" of him or herself.

After last night with the boys, Petey was a Mars rover at work.

by Hobo Patrol November 28, 2004

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