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"Mashallah" or "Mash'Allah" is an Arabic phrase used to show appreciation for a person or happening. It shows respect, and also reminds that everything is achieved by the will of God. The closest English translation is "God willed it." It is used to show joy and praise, and is evoked upon hearing good news.

The phrase has found its way into the language of non-Arabs, including Turks and peoples of the Balkans, including some who are not of the Islamic faith.

A: I just got an A+ on my exam.
B: "Mashallah!"

by Nick Spontini November 21, 2007

2359๐Ÿ‘ 325๐Ÿ‘Ž


muslim/halal way of saying wow

Mia: I heard you got a new car Mos.
Mos Def: Yeah its a great car mashallah
Mia: mashallah, I've heard

by bookafan February 17, 2022

32๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


this word can be used for anything and is interchangable with inshallah

mashallah my brother whats popping inshallah

by tumiestsegsy November 15, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


Itโ€™s something you say When you see something that completely amazed you or when you see a beautiful person you say โ€œmashallahโ€

Person 1: my daughter just painted this beautiful beach painting!

Person 2: MASHALLAH! it look amazing!

by mamimocha8 July 11, 2021

93๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Arabic phrase/term MashAllah or Masha-Allah is short for the longer phrase โ€œMashallah-Allah Tabarak Allahโ€ which literally translates into โ€œthat in which God has willed, He has or will blessโ€. However, the closest meaning and use of the phrase in the English language is that similar to the phrase โ€œKnock on woodโ€ to express hope for someoneโ€™s good luck to continue for a particular positive statement or as to not jinx something good.

Example 1:
Alex: Oh wow Emily, you have the cutest baby ever!
Emily: Thanks Alex, thatโ€™s very sweet of you. Say MashAllah please.

Alex: absolutely...MashAllah!

Example 2:
Jamal: yo bro, this food is amazing! MashAllah your wife is an incredibly good cook.
Mike: I know man, thank you! Alhamdulilah (Thank God) God has definitely blessed me with a great wife.

by Sir.Ween October 30, 2020

49๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Amen" for Muslims. If you omit to say mashallah when someone did something well, you'll be blamed if things go wrong.

My nail broke. It's that bitch Yasmin. She commented on my nail polish and didn't say mashallah.

by Bslo February 15, 2019

88๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž