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Mass RDM

Mass RDM, or MRDM, an abbreviation of “Mass Random Death Match”, is the act of engaging several players in Player vs Player combat randomly, either for an invalid by rules reason or entirely unprovoked. Mass RDM’s usually consist of players on roleplaying games, such as Gmod DarkRP and FiveM shooting a crowd of players unprovoked. Usual excuses for such acts include “I was roleplaying as a terrorist” or another very generic reason to try not getting banned.

Mass RDM is typically a rule on Role playing games and servers, however also exists in garrys mod gamemodes like trouble in terrorist town. In the context of Roleplay servers, Mass RDM is probably the most broken rule.

gold rank vip guy: “I can’t believe we all got shot down in the casino! Now we can’t go back for 5 minutes because of NLR!”
Another player: “Yeah the admins gotta stop more Mass RDMers.

by WhiteTrappa240 January 2, 2024

Mass RDM

Mass RDM (Random Death Match), Also known as MRDM, Is the act of initiating PvP against a group of players under spontaneous and undeserved context, typically within a roleplaying game, however this also extends to Trouble in Terrorist Town and similar game modes of that nature.

“I just got RDM’d”.
“Me too bro, some guy just Mass RDM’d the whole of the Gas station!”.

by WhiteTrappa240 January 2, 2024