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mating season

Mating season usually happens when the weather starts changing. There's a positive correlation between the amount of couples that get together and the change in weather. People just go crazy to be with someone. And anti mating season usually happens right before mating season and everyone just starts splitting up. You know its mating season when you start to hear the lawn mowers and the birds chirping.

We're about to be in for a biiiggg mating season once spring rolls around this year!

by captazo March 2, 2011

44👍 7👎

Zodiac Mating Season

A season in which zodiac signs have their adrenaline rush and their sex drive run through the roof,usually when it's their month of Zodiac

John:Hey man what are you doing?
Kate:John it's Aquarius Season
John:What's that?
Kate:Its apart of the Zodiac Mating Season
Kate:Yeah,I should be feeling the effects when January 12th comes
Kate:See you around,Sweetness~
John:Man,people sure are strange

by Jaiden Gary October 25, 2019

20👍 1👎

Mating Season

Mating season usually happens when the weather starts changing. There's a positive correlation between the amount of couples that get together and the change in weather. People just go crazy to be with someone. And anti mating season usually happens right before mating season and everyone just starts splitting up. You know its mating season when you start to hear the lawn mowers and the birds chirping.

It was Melmacian Mating Season in Melmac.

by MayDayMeh June 9, 2018

2👍 10👎