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Mattee’s are funny, smart, and popular. They always take great care of their friends and family, and love unconditionally. Mattee’s are strong willed and sometimes a little stubborn. Mattee’s make great loving girlfriends, and even better best friends. They love animals and always make really good jokes.

That girl is such a Mattee.
You know Mattee? Oh she’s so nice.

by randomgirl123459876 December 27, 2018


A person who exhibits all the qualities of a baby animal. Small, defenseless, and always looking for milk

Man, that girl is a Mattee; all she wants to do is snuggle and drink copious amounts of milk

by SlapperDapper April 23, 2010

7👍 7👎

mattee grace

A girl with the name Mattee Grace is usually very outgoing. Loves to laugh and always making people laugh. She usually has plenty of people like her, but has only about 4 real bestfriends she hangs out with. She may come off as a very sexual person, but isn't that way at all. She's beautiful inside and out. She's doesnt like to admit it though. Once you meet her, you will never forget nor regret it!

Loving, caring, sweet, funny, Mattee Grace

by I'm ya girl from washingtonnnn October 9, 2013