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to work in a McJob at minimum wage

He slaves away mcjobbing with minimum wage.
She suffers from mcjobbing ennui.

by ninotchka2 June 26, 2014

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any menial, low-paying, unskilled, dead-end job, including (but not limited to) those in the fast food industry, which requires zero creative or intellectual involvement, and whose sole motivation is a paycheck (i.e., no one works a McJob because they like it or care about the work). The employee may also be required to wear a silly and degrading uniform. Examples outside of the food service industry include Wal-Mart greeter and movie ticket clerk.

McJobs are usually filled by teenagers, bored retired people looking for something to do, retards, and struggling single parents in need of a second income.

Turnover is high, but because practically anyone has the skills necessary to perform a McJob, the company can just hire more interchangeable McEmployees off the streets.

The term's allusion to mass-produced fast food implies both the mechanical, unfulfilling nature of the work, and the disposable, interchangeable manner in which the company treats its employees.

We need to expand the skilled job market, not just create more McJobs.

by Greenie December 11, 2003

1616๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž


The term was derived from McDonald's and the name in part is sort of self explanatory. These are the worst jobs in America. These are the low end of the low end jobs. No one has a job lower than these being that the workers have no authority in these jobs. These jobs are rock bottom due to them being highly unsatisfying. They are often in the field of fast food and retail. There is absolutely no shame in these jobs, but one major characteristic of this job is that no academic or formal education is really required. Not even a high school diploma. Due to this a person has absolutely no opportunity to contribute his or her intellectual ideas being that the job allows little freedom with the strict supervision of the management. People often get frustrated with these jobs, so people are constantly coming and going. The managers, who are often the only ones making living wages there, do not care if a person quits because these jobs are dead end jobs offering no chance for personal growth in the business. It will be just as easy to higher someone else, and most people in those jobs could work like dogs for years and years and never see any growth. They often say when you first start working there that there are a lot of opportunity for advancement in the company, but don't kid yourself. If you ever are promoted in those jobs you must consider yourself lucky. 98% of the people working there do not consider those jobs careers. They are often only part time jobs. If they were careers many of them, including me, would through ourselves in front of a train. Some people feel that even calling them a job is debatable due to the low pay which is not a living wage. A person can not live on a seven dollar an hour pay check. The sadest part is how society looks down on these workers so much. With our government and economy being the way it is many people will find themselves working in a McJob anyway. Also, the world needs fast food workers. If there were no McDonald's workers there would be no McDonald's and we all know that America loves fast food. They should come up with a definition that is below Blue Collar like "rag collar" because that is what a McJob is.

Fast Food Manager: When I come back you better have those toilets cleaned! By the way here is your $150 dollar check for the past two weeks. Tuck in your shirt. You need some class to work this job now here is your're apron with a picture of a pig on it. Wear it with pride!
Fast Food Worker: Fuck this McJob!

by DisgruntledWorker August 14, 2008

164๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only thing I can get despite paying ยฃ11,000 for a university education.

"A graduate, eh? How 'bout you suck my uneducated cock for ยฃ4.50 an hour?"

by sittingbourneinnit December 5, 2003

806๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž


A job. One that every fucker thinks is easy, try it see how soon you change your mind.

involves crap hours, yet the staff are close knit..by the hatred of the customer.

Day to day tasks involve:

1)licking the ass of the guy who just threw his burger at you because it was cold...(he had sat there for 20mins before bringing it back)

2) Putting up with drunks unable to understand that beef needs to be cooked before we can give it to them.

3) Taking Stress and the slack because the idoit who is supposed to start at 11 has decided to come in.

4) Dealing with tramps who go though the bins to get cold products to complain about.

exmples of a typical shift for a mcjob worker

Tramp "my burger is cold"
Staff "dude i just saw you take it out the bin"
Manager " yea i'm sorry we cant exchange that"
Tramp "but i neeedsss my cheeseburger"

Time 10:55p.m (5 min till closing)

Staff "hey can i help ya?"
Drunk " --" (subtitles unable to understand)
Staff " sorry what was that?"
Drunk "i said i wanted a 5 big macs you fucking idoit"
Staff "okay sorry,, yep okay it'll be about 3mins for that?"
Drunk" okay"

--money exchanges hands---
Time 10:56p.m.

Drunk "Wheres my fucking burger, been waiting 20mins!!!"
Staff "its been a mintue not long now"
Drunk " daft cuntt! gimmie my fuckin money backk"
Staff "okay sure"
Manager "there you go sorry about that"
Drunk "taking piss outta me?"
-- drunken rage ensues, usually involving chairs thrown, smashed windows etc.--

"haha that dude works for maccys what a loser!" - BMW Driver

"fuck you and your 16 thousand children, least i have a job and not living on benefits " - Mcjob staff to Father complaing about his happy meals...all 16 thousand of them.

by mcwoker February 4, 2010

51๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


To work at a godless multinational food corporation wearing some god awful almost sub human uniform shelling out below standard food to fat almost human creatures in an enviroment that has
A) terrible colour scheme
B) loud high pitch noises
C) a 20/30 something boss that got laid once...and it was his cousin
D) coming home covered in scars that are caused by flying grease, hot water, burns from stove or food
E) suicidal/homicidal tendencys and thoughts occur often during your shift

"this mcjob fuckin blows"
"there is this woman at my mcjob that makes me want to jump over the counter and fork fuck her in the eye"

by porcupine November 24, 2003

476๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


A low-skilled, low-paying job.

I got a McJob at McDonalds, so shut the McKuck up.

by warewolff December 19, 2003

278๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž