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meadowbrook school

a school that sucks asshole. the richies who drive their big escelades or lexus's or maybe their bentleys occasionally. the teachers are huge chodes and they all suck. K-8 but treated all like fricken pre-schoolers. reality check meadowbrook!

wow u go to a meadowbrook school!?

by anonymousssssssssssssssxxxxxsfjafh May 26, 2008

60👍 42👎

Meadowbrook High school

Medowbrook is a endz. This might just be the worst school in Jamaica, the only thing that even qualify it being a school is the amount of fish that attends this low tier institution. With their slow ass principle they're always behind.

Wow you go to Meadowbrook High school, you Must be a Faggot .

by Anonymoussssxxxyazx January 2, 2023