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mexican jetpack

it's when a landscape laborer straps on two leaf blowers and points the nozzles straight down while adjusting the throttles for max vertical lift. the effects are spectacular, even though flight control is difficult.

Geronimo liked to freak out the old ladies around the clients' homes by doing fly-bys with his mexican jetpack.

by manks dawbs May 1, 2004

82👍 10👎

mexican jetpack

5 pounds of beans + butt plug ( wait 2 days )

Eat mucho beans ram butt plug up ass.
Wait 2 days squat down light match pull plug WOW! mexican jetpack! a small hombre can go vertical for 14 feet.

by itichie_nocanpo July 3, 2006

12👍 22👎

Mexican Jetpack

A mexican "landscape technician" who wears one of those leaf blower backpacks.

Juan pawned his Mexican Jetpack to buy some jalopenos.

by jewtewned November 11, 2007

10👍 4👎