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microwave popcorn

The greatest and most tasty invention of all time. Tastes great, is easy to make and makes people happy. In short, totally awesome.

Microwave popcorn is the greatest invention in human history. Thank you, Dr. Percy Spencer! (Invented microwave popcorn in 1946.)

Tracey: Want some microwave popcorn?

Bill: Hell yes!

by thebestshityouwilleversee August 27, 2012

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microwave popcorn date

The microwave popcorn date is a special form of a date which consists of two people, a nature documentary and, of course, microwave popcorn. It is considered as a modern 21st century way of dating and can also include (but is not limited to): tetra pak wine, fake candles, old fragrance sticks.

Babe, you are the mac to my cheese. LetΒ΄s have a microwave popcorn date!

by cessc May 6, 2019

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emotional microwave popcorn friend

This is your friend that you can contact when you are upset who is quick to help support you and be there for you, but ultimately what support they provide does not last and it is not all that healthy anyway. You will lean on this person whenever you can despite knowing they are not really all that helpful.

Gabriel was upset over Lola - AGAIN! He text Lisbeth and soon they were speaking. He poured out his heart. She listened and helped soothe his dispirited soul. Unfortunately, Lisbeth was his emotional microwave popcorn friend. An hour after they spoke he was heartbroken again. He made some microwave popcorn and wept into the bowl watching Baywatch.

by von groovy August 4, 2024