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midget ninga

Someone that cannot spell Midget Ninja...yes its Spelled N I N J A

Whats a Midget Ninga? Oh, Some dummy Spelled Ninja with a G!

by Jim Reed June 10, 2006

23👍 2👎

midget ninga

He lurks in the shadows.
He stalks through the alleys.
He hides under tables and chairs.

And he owns the night!

Hardened Criminal #1: Let us rob that old lady crossing the street.

Hardened Criminal #2: Look out! The Midget Ninga is here!

(the Midget Ninga mercilessly kicks their bollocks into next week)

Hardened Criminal #1: Ow! Now we shall be arrested, I suppose!

Hardened Criminal #2: Looks like!

(the police arrive and take them away)

Grateful Citizens: Thank you, Midget Ninga!

by Daviddd June 2, 2005

6👍 23👎