A blue Ultrakill chad that you'll either destroy or get destroyed by.
"Oh my god, I almost P-ranked Minos Prime, but I got hit by his snake."
"What are you even talking about?"
A smurfs soul that formed after a prison made of flesh got defeated by a fucking go-pro with legs. Minos Prime says some cool dialogue that consist of, "hey thanks for freeing me, imma beat the shit outta you..." Then proceeds to whoop your ass for 4 hours. Once you finally learn to parry the cheese lookin snake things, you basically win.
Oh yeah and "JUDGEMENT!" will haunt your dreams for the next week and a half...
Biggest Minos Prime Fan "Minos Prime is a bitch baby!"
Average Sisyphus Prime Enjoyer "yeah..."
a boss in the game ULTRAKILL that makes you sound insane when you talk about him.
guy1: so minos prime was almost dead, then he did his "prepare thyself" attack and i died.
guy2: what the fuck is a minos prime?