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When you ask for a cracker and they give you half. Like the Glossier free samples: something that makes you feel sorry you asked.

What a miserly little piece of nothing. If they don't want to give any, don't offer any.

by Psedogenius October 29, 2020


Where a woman, to the man's arguably limited perspective, seems both SO generous and yet so ARBITRARY in her offer, such as to induce mental meltdown in the man as a feedback loop he can't process.

-- So he couldn't understand how she was SO generous and yet so ARBITRARY in her offer, and this is now his major pre-occupation.

-- Ah, he feels she's a miserly-angel, and now he worships her.

by sukadog April 14, 2011

1👍 5👎


Adjective - having less power, influence, or ability.

The parasite miserlier than most worms

by Marc2.0 July 30, 2023