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(verb) loss of hope and excitement. quashed enthusiasm. shamed in to giving up.

His love for the new hobby was mitskied by his peers' scorn.

by infoserver December 25, 2020

95πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž



who's mitski?
oh she's god!

by damnshawtyyy April 30, 2021

716πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


The literal god of this world

Mitski created humanity.

by God.irl May 17, 2021

349πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Mitski is like the best artist out there. I cry to her in the shower, while I eat, and sometimes in my sleep. I worship her every night and sometimes if I forget I slap the shit out of myself, never forget to worship Mitski. If you dont know Mitski or dislike Mitski get your fucking head out your ass dumb bitch Ill slap you back to your mothers uterus. Anyways moral of the story Mitski is god and you deserve death.

Thank you for listening. Keep calm and listen to Mitski ;)

by cartismydaddy6 October 11, 2021

332πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


mitski miyawaki (born september 27, 1990), born mitsuki laycock and performing as mitski, is a beautiful japanese-american singer-songwriter. her music is amazing with such complex meanings, its like a emotional rollercoaster but in a good way. if your considering listening to her i recommend listening to - francis forever, washing machine heart, me and my husband and class of 2013 !<33 her genre consists of indie rock.

kas: oooh who are you listening to?
me: mitski! you should check out her music.

by gothicArisen November 18, 2020

101πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Mitski is god, she created everything you know of today; breathing, walking and existing were all created my Mitski

"Hey have you heard of Mitski?"
"Yes of course! who hasnt heard of god before?"

by mitski is life June 2, 2021

281πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


My fucking lord and savior

Some fucking idiot who will burn in hell for eternity:”who tf is mitski”
Me” Mitski created the universe and time you dumb ass hag

by Livelaughmitski July 18, 2021

207πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž