the act of moisening someones chutney with a moist cloth, towel, or wet whipe getting a no scope headshot in Halo Reach with my penis, not having bathed for four weeks, barrying the chinese hooker that I bought last week and paid for in euros, dirka dirka allah jehad takes a shower with his mac book for 45 minutes, insiminating 36 people in one sitting, sprinting through the Mekong Delta sodomizing the VC with a half eaten Buger King cheese burger that you found in the garbage
dude last night at that party Chuck Norris moisened several girls chutneys all at the same time without taking his own clothes off
marcus the cat moisening the chutney of a female pitbull
Alex Vogt Tactical:Extreme chutney moisener
Jet Li eats more moist chutney then you do