Source Code

Morning Salute

A loud, powerful, blasting series of farts let in sequence immediately upon awakening from the nights sleep. It is recognized by a sharp crackling sound that emulates the 21 gun salute from an M1 Garand color guard and carries the odor of the nights meal. A real man lets this fart in front of his woman without a care of whether she hears this or not.

Honey, what in the world was that sound? I think I just lost part of my hearing as I awoke from a deep sleep, I thought we were being shot at.
That was my morning salute woman, get used to it you will be hearing it a lot around here.

by Goatoghillgary December 19, 2016

good morning salute

a boner, an erection that is standing when you wake up in the morning

dude, i woke up this morning and had a good morning salute for all my troops

by jason cornelius April 14, 2008

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