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morning sickness

1. What chicks get when they forget to take the pill and get knocked up.
2. What you get the morning after you get wasted.

1. I've had morning sickness for the a month, now.
2. Damn Nick, I had morning sickness this morning. I should not have had that extra drink last night.

by Randz November 25, 2006

53👍 33👎

Morning Sickness

When the office concubine trots into work in her beloved club attire, probably from the night before, and it instantaneously induces feelings of nausea.

Lauren is giving me the morning sickness with that tube dress, five inch knock off heels and bad weave.

by chickendigits June 6, 2013

18👍 12👎

Virgin Mary Morning Sickness

A nauseous feeling in the morning that occurs with a female virgin who is not on their period. Since they are not on their period, they cannot be sick due to period cramps. And since they have never had sex, they cannot have morning sickness due to pregnancy unless they are pregnant with the Christ.

My mother thought I was coming down with something, but it turned out to just be Virgin Mary Morning Sickness.

by The Morphist April 8, 2015

6👍 3👎

morning shit-sickness

The condition one may have when they have been retaining their fecal material (intentionally or not) longer than the body would prefer, causing upset stomach, headache, and nausea, not unlike that of morning sickness with a human baby, except the symptoms will immediately go away with a good poo session. Now you're just pregnant with a poo baby.

Tyler: Oh, God! My stomach! I feel sick!

Kyle: Do you need to shit? Have you gone this morning?

Tyer: No I haven't. What's that got to do with anything?

Kyle: Man, you got morning shit-sickness! Go take your morning dump and you'll be good to go!

by SquatchyJ December 4, 2010

31👍 6👎