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Motivational speaker

They're not doing a very good job because here I remain... Unmotivated...

Motivational speaker "Hey! I was like you once. But then I got better. Better than you. I didn't love myself until I was better than you. So, now, I've deluded myself into believing that it's my DUTY to pass that on to you (for a low low price of 29.99). Don't you think the old me was a disgusting piece of shit? Aren't YOU a disgusting piece of shit? Don't you want to be better? All you have to do is be like me. Be like me and you'll be better than you.... We'll both be better than you, together! BUT FIRST! Give me 29 dollars... *Places hand on shoulder* and 99 cents...."

Iam "..... Wow... there is some self loathing stuff going on there... Um..."

Hym "Don't listen to him. You ran until you shit yourself.............. Just go to the bathroom!"

Motivational Speaker ".................."

Hym "It isn't hard."

Motivational speaker "....."

Hym "It's actually EASIER than running a marathon...... Running a marathon is harder than taking a shit and taking a shit and you couldn't even do that right..... And you said DOOTY Hahahahahahahaa..."

by Hym Iam January 17, 2023

1👍 5👎

Motivational speaker

Code word for strippers.

We had motivational speakers over the house last night, got the boys all hyped up.

by ThizzKid650 September 3, 2022

1👍 5👎