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Movie Theater

A building housing large screens dedicated to showing new movies starring everyone's favorite actors.

Often used as a daycare for underage kids whose parents fail at being parents and would rather leave their children in a place alone than actually spend time with them; only to get overly irate at the employees when their children go missing and the employees have no idea where their children are.

Let's drop our children off to watch Kung Fu Panda at the movie theater while we go out to the bar for a few drinks!

by Fhr Crow July 11, 2008

99πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Movie Theater

A place to go when wanting to watch movies slightly before they come to stores, to watch on a bigger screen or to spend money on popcorn

Hey Bill! Wanna go to the Movie Theater?

by RandomLoser123 January 5, 2021

Movie Theater

When your walking down an isle in a movie theater and a fat guy shoves a dildo up your ass while your trying to get by him.

-aww damnit! i just got movie theatered again!

-i dont want to go down this isle. im afraid that fat guy's going to movie theater me.

by Tom the Ninja May 1, 2008

71πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

Movie theater

A big complex that has many giant TV screens. Known for overpriced food and drinks, so many people resort to sneaking snacks in

I saw a movie at the movie theater last night. I spent about 50 bucks on snacks alone

by Annored February 16, 2015

6695πŸ‘ 5990πŸ‘Ž

Movie theater

a place where retards bring their babies to watch the movie yet they are too young to even remember it and all they do is scream and cry


by efawubheghoise November 5, 2019

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Movie Theatering

noun. going to first, second, third or fourth base wit someone in a movie theater without other people noticing

"I showed that girl/guy movie theatering the other day"

by yvette smith January 23, 2012

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Movie Theater Math

A Sheldon Cooper optimization activity: evaluating multiple seats in a theater by sitting in them and making strange hooting noises, to evaluate the acoustic dynamics of the theater and pick the absolute best seat in the house... It embarrasses everyone around him.

Time to see Star Wars! Maybe we should wait to enter until Sheldon finishes up his movie theater math assessment.

by America Lover πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ June 29, 2020

65πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž