My Personal ANdroid is an anime about a former Soviet experimental soldier who was placed in stasis during the 1960s and awoken in modern Japan after he washed up on a beach near a small town. Discovered by a young girl, known only as "k", the nameless Soviet soldier assumes k is his leader upon waking, due to the large number of sparkly stars on her clothes. The Soviet soldier is revealed to have had all of his insides replaced with clockwork and is thus called MPAN by k, due to him being an automoton. MPAN seeks to reclaim his organs and return to the CCCP but k is more interested in finding bugs and helping on her family's farm resulting in hijinks as MPAN tries to fit random organs into his cogs and gears.
"Hey do you guys have the latest issue of MPAN?"
"You mean the My Personal ANdroid series? Sure, in this one k goes to her uncle's pig farm!"