(verb): To 'Mr Producer' something is to harness all your chi into one singular point in the time-space continuum and organise the tabs in the emergency meeting
Andrew 'Mr Producer'd' that emergency meeting with his aikido
To Mr producer something, you must be a Top G like Andrew Tate during an emergency meeting and during the emergency meeting you must produce as Mr Producer and impress and flex on all of the brokies also infront of Tristan
Andrew : I'm going to Mr producer on all the viewers
Tristan: Mr producer is a not a verb
Andrew : Yes it is, it's going to be on urban dictionary
A verb to perform online Akido to shine light upon a subject to millions
“Let me just Mr Producer this real quick”
Mr. producing is when you produce something like the Top G would do.
Mr. producing is when you produce something like the Top G would do. Iam gonna mr. produce this
Top G editing perfectly, in an emergency meeting. He can beat the matrix.
I am Mr. Producering a video.l and beating the matrix.
Definition-Top G editing perfectly, in an emergency meeting. He can beat the matrix.
mr produce is something made by top g. you can never be mr producer but you can mr produce. this was always suggested by T for this to be on here.
" BAM! you don't know about me, time to mr produce this " - Andrew
A verb created by Andrew Tate on June 14th 2023's Emergency Meeting. The verb is yet to define
I'm going to Mr. Producer this.