A White American who seems intent upon single-handedly making reparations for every wrong Black Americans have suffered at the hands of the White Man. The keynote characteristic of the mudscuttle is that he will reflexively ascribe nobility of character to Black folk. The mudscuttle imagines his behavior indicative of enlightened sophistication, when the behavior is instead a sinister form of prejudice in which bigotry has been replaced with intransigent advocacy. A mudscuttle boss will brazenly assign choice assignments to Blacks and turn a deaf ear to the most rational requests from Whites for parity in the workplace. It is typical of the mudscuttle to express nauseating levels of adoration for famous Black people, wildly disproportionate to actual accomplishment.
I'll never get promoted! My mudscuttle boss gave the last three promotions to Shaniqua, DeMontross and M'Kell!
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