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munter gatherer

a man with a reputation for bedding ugly women.

*did you see that bird Steve went home with last night?

*Christ yeah, he's a right munter gatherer that one.

by hawaiian sam April 29, 2008

56👍 3👎


A pejorative term for a person who is a Munter and also believes that hunter-gatherer societies were the optimum arrangement for humans. These individuals are usually part of the 'anarcho-primitivist' subculture. They often live on 'protest sites' opposing developments that they believe to be harmful to the environment. They advocate the end of civilisation, and reject science and technology. See also Muntered.

1. Dave is a munter-gatherer.

by Alex Cabb December 3, 2010

19👍 8👎

munter gathering

being muntered and trying to gather friends having lost them
gathering munters in order to expell them

closing time, time for a spot of munter gathering

by anton+jo+taylor+sarsy+hattie January 14, 2004

5👍 11👎