Source Code

My grill

Your teeth

My grill is nice.

Smile, your grill is nice.

by _juicyy.k March 9, 2018

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Beefing my grill

When someone invades your personal space or privacy with the effect of causing harm or distraction. A person may beef the grill of another without necessarily intending to.

"Yo, why the fuck you all up in my face, beefing my grill and shit?"

"Man, Mitch just wouldn't leave me alone about that cigarette I 'owe' him. He was totally beefing my grill."

"Tyrone was beefing my grill hard, so I clocked his ugly face in."

by poopSmear October 14, 2014

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smash my grill

Wanting to recieve, rough, oral sex

Megan: Bob is so hot, I think I want him to smash my grill in.

by rnnrdad July 2, 2018

chill my grill

after on smokes weed there mouth is dry,and you need a cold drink

hey women my grill is dry i need to chill my grill

by womens bff January 25, 2011

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rake my grill

Rake my grill was developed in the great midwest as a term for brushing one's teeth. Yes most of us have teeth.

"Man my breath is funky, I need to rake my grill

by Arndogg January 13, 2007

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Cleaning my grill

To brush one's teeth.

Dave: "I can't go out for beers until I finish cleaning my grill."

by observant midwesterner March 6, 2009

all up in my grill

whoever the person is below me is wrong.
all up in my grill doesn't necessarily mean in someone's business.

it means someones in your face.
grill = face.

therefore, it can also be used describing someone who is excessively annoying and bothering you.

That ho was all up in my grill. Tell him to get his nasty, annoying self outta my face.

by mahal April 21, 2005

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