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It's a shortened form of "sanaol" which is a slang term for a shortened phrase in filipino: "sana all"
"sana" can mean "hope" or "hoping" or "wishing" in filipino

"sana all" literally means "hope all" and is used to express envy or jealousy about someone else's good fortune

Bob: My art was featured in this big youtuber's channel!
Dave: naol featured

by Dudamesh January 26, 2022

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


it is a filipino slang term which is short for β€œsana ol” or β€œsana all” which literally translates to wish/hope all.

naol crush ka niya

by renlepgs February 5, 2020

86πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


He sure can twerk. Naol is a good delala.

I want a BMW. No problem, Naol will find you one.

by Nfdsjmljsarjm March 3, 2018

14πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


This the you should not let your girl near too he’s a pussy magnet the bitches love his jokes,he’s a really funny guy once you get to know him and is a overall chill and cool guy to hangout with

Damn Naol stole my girl again

by Gabe 1017 November 22, 2021

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Naol is NAOL

naol is a naol...

by doratheexplorer May 7, 2019

14πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A black piece of shit

I just took a big naole

by another one 69 November 28, 2016

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Is a dude that make girls wet and has a big package with abs and has a very hot face

look at naol makes all girls wet

by icyc14 December 11, 2023