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Naurin is an all-round amazing person.She is pretty and catches the attention of all boys.She is so nice to everyone and treats everyone with kindness.She is extremely hot and everyone falls in love with her.She has the sweetest personality. She is an amazing kisser and everyone wants to hang out with her.She is popular in school and outside everyone wants to hang out with her.She can be salty to people she dislikes but she still is amazing.She is such a nice friend and every girl wants to be her. She has an amazing singing voice. You can trust her with anything.

OMG you’re such a Naurin!

by Sarah tabassum November 23, 2021


perfection personified


by barf:p November 22, 2021


the most wonderful person in the world. they are beautiful and kind and strong. don’t cross them tho bc they are ruthless and will ruin you.

you are such a naurine lol

by uvarna November 23, 2021