Source Code

Nazi Pirate

A cross breed of Nazi and Pirate. As seen in "Bob the ball" flash moive.

Nazi Pirate: I'll be takin that burger me bucko!

by Flealan July 19, 2006

10👍 12👎

neo nazi pirate

An image you cant avoid when you where a bandana, a hoody, a big coat with some tinted shades.

I descovered i looked like a neo nazi pirate after i was jumped by communists

by caguetou June 7, 2005

20👍 57👎

Robot Ninja Pirate Nazi Zombie

A person of robot, ninja, pirate, and zombie decent

I was chased home by a Robot Ninja Pirate Nazi Zombie

by KXXXM January 2, 2009

19👍 21👎