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That car nearly hit me

by jon toledo December 24, 2006

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Someone who is not in a relationship with someone in a superior ship, but comes close to doing so, or rather tries to do so.

What did you just call Jacob?

He's a nearly-neal.

by serendibite March 20, 2023

Nearly Witches

a song included on Fall Out Boy's mixtape, CitizensFOB Mixtape: Welcome To The New Administration. the artist listed is The Paul Revere Jumpsuit Apparatus, but this is suspected to be a codename for band Panic At The Disco as the vocals are unmistakably lead singer Brendon Urie's. the mixtape was available to download for free off Fall Out Boy's Friends or Enemies website.

person 1:"have you heard Fall Out Boy's mixtape?"

person 2:"yeah, I loved Nearly Witches."

by pollyestherPANIC October 12, 2008

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Nearly Dead

Turning 32, single, all your friends are married and reproducing, you've traveled, want to see more but are bound by societies idealism of buying a house settling down and forgetting about the world.

Plus you live in the state of Western Australia, where everyone drives slow, is scared of change and don't venture outside after dark in fear of their walking frames being stolen.

Happy Birthday mate "yeah thanks", hold on how old are you? I'm 32.

Shit dude you're single and living in Perth, you're nearly dead.

by Mussman February 8, 2010

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Nearly mentally ill

Pretending or saying to have a mental illness or mental health problems just for SOME aspects of it that are considered "cool" or "emo", but being disgusted by non-glamourous aspects of that mental illness.

Saying you have depression because you're sad lately, but being disgusted by someone who can't get up to take a shower.
Saying you have anxiety because you're feeling stressed lately, but laughing at someone having a panick attack.

If you're mentally ill and don't brag about it you're likely to not be nearly mentally ill.

"Because of my black sweater and my earphones on, people will assume I have depression and I'll be cool !" : this is a nearly mentally ill behaviour
"I wash my hands before AND after going to the bathroom. I'm so OCD !"

by twistedbrain February 22, 2021

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It cleans me nearly

When something is very funny and you have to laught very hard.
similar to Laughing out loud, but you dont use any abbreviation.
Originally it comes from swissgerman.

*bamf tells a joke*

girl: Hahaha, it cleans me nearly...

by gadรค August 20, 2012

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Ayan is nearly the best

Ayan is nearly the best but not as good as Kai

Person 1: Ayan is pretty cool but Kai is better!

Person 2: Same!!

Ayan is nearly the best but not as good as Kai

by kai.. August 5, 2021

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