Need to know ; means exactly that. It doesn't defy the rules as stated "I'm a dumb fuck head, and by the way...your not ment/supposed to keep anything classified".
If there is some kind of chemical alarm here, it's need to know.
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This is a self defining phrase used in high security settings such as the military and intelligence fields.
I am sorry we can't share that sort of file with you. If it existed it would be on an ntk - need to know basis.
Fairly self-explainatory, a tight security method in which information is only given to those who can present a good case for knowing about a project.
The example is classified, and given out on a need-to-know basis only. Obviously, it isn't funny.
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If you would just tell me this it would solve all of my problems immediately.
Hym "I mean if you would just tell me what I need to know the problem would be solved. But you don't want want to because that would be too easy. Life should be hard. I should have to try. Why? Seriously, why should I have to if I don't have to naturally? If I can just get things without, why make me?"
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This is one of the Legacy media's current buzz phrases circa 2022. It is usually part of the headline of a news story. It is meant to grab your attention with its imperative "YOU NEED TO KNOW". It is unclear what will happen if you don't know about the subject in question, however, the phrase compels the reader explore further.
Thinking about going outside today? Here's what you need to know.
Freddy: Gregory, do you see that small vent on the floor? Have you heard Among Us, Gregory? You need to vent. I know it will be hard for you to be sus but I know you can do it Gregory.
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Still a fat retard and, hey, why is my job letting the fat retard who literally got caught breaking the law keep he job and instead of firing him, reducing my hours again? I wonder what that is all about. Is it blatant and overt me-specific discrimination? Yes. Obviously. That big nosed bitch wants to deny me any leverage I would have to make her give me enough hours to accumulate any money... So she is letting the fact the a 19 went into my register and bought himself tobacco products even though he's underage slide to cut my hours.
Hym "It isn't that I don't need to know it's that I can use the consequences of what your are doing to people as evidence that you are wrong and then I don't have to murder your kids and let the therapist plants you've paid in advance to lie about brain infection sweep me under the rug. Then I can punish the people directly responsible and you would rather have the kids get murdered than that."