Term commonly used by technoblade. Used to declare victory against those who are inferior in combat or duels.
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No one dies unless they are forgotten and technoblade will never be forgotten. Thank you Alex for all the years of uploading. #fuckcancer
o7 Technoblade never dies
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When something or someone is gone, but the legacy they left is still there.
My favorite youtuber stopped uploading, but I guess Technoblade never dies.
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1) Preposterous sequel to THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA unfortunately greenlit by Andrew Lloyd Webber in a misguided attempt to relive his glory days and milk the brand potential of his biggest success. Unfortunately it travesties the characters and stories of the original, which was noticed by its fanbase, and consequently the project bombed.
Synonymous with: fanfiction, unnecessary sequels, travesty, George Lucas, revionism, canon rape
2) The subtitle for BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA (dir. Francis Ford Coppola).
"Have you seen Love Never Dies?"
"Paint Never Dries, you mean?"
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An awesome sequel to the Phantom of the opera, music composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
The story is set 10 years later on Coney Island, America. It continues on from Christine marrying Raoul. Love Never Dies is a very romantic sequel, with breathtaking music, and different styles added to it.
Person 1: "Did you see Love Never Dies?"
Person 2: "Oh my god, of course I have."
Person 1: "And the ending?"
Person 2: "I cry every single time I see it."
Me: "I can't stop watching it..."
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Aerosmith - Dream On
"dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dream come true".
me: stage 4 cancer
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