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Nice Asshole

1. An asshole who knows he has to be nice to girls to get pussy!

2. A nice guy that knows he has to be an asshole to girls to get pussy!

3. When you become conscious of knowing when, where, and how to utilize your nice assholeness to your benefit to get pussy! When you have become a JEDI NICE ASSHOLE (all caps because of the respect it demands) as Jay-Z would say...I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one. Your swag is off the charts!!

Alex Rodriguez
Charlie Sheen
Vinny from Jersey Shore

"Harvey" character from the USA show "Suits"
"Hank Moody" character from the Showtime show "Californiacation"
"Vince" character from the HBO show "Entourage"


Girl: "You're such an asshole"
Guy: Yea, but I'm a niiiiccce asshole!
Girl: Ok...you're cool.

"There is something about that guy but I can't put my finger on it. I guess it's because he is a nice asshole."

A girl who talks shit about a guy and then turns around and sleeps with him.

by President of AOS August 7, 2011

22👍 11👎

Nice blinker, asshole

A common Boston saying when driving, since no one in the city uses a blinker. This rude, yet common, driving behavior transcends all ages and gender.

"Nice blinker, asshole!" said the Bostonian as the yellow Subaru cut him off.

by Grant Rampus August 2, 2016

3👍 1👎