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Nigga Dollars

To owe someone(s) money; to be in debt; to have negativie dollars

Person 1: hey bro you got any cash on you.
Person 2: na fool i got about 12 nigga dollars.
Person 1: who you owe $12 dollars to?

by Logic2thaface September 16, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Top Dollar Nigga

Someone who fat girls use to threaten their pussy whipped boyfriends with. These guys generally have money and have no interest in whales that sit around and eat tubs of butter all day.

Anthony I'm gonna get a top dollar nigga if you don't make me some bagel bites.

Come fan me and rub my rolls or I'm gonna get a top dollar nigga.

by The original top dollar nigga April 6, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

2 dollar nigga

a cheap or poor ass nigga

Man Tyler is such a 2 dollar nigga he always asking for money

by Stephone D. Baker March 6, 2007

70๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Five Dollar Nigga Breakfast

Cheap ass unhealthy breakfast you get at the corner store

A Bacon Egg and Cheese ($3.50)
Arizona Iced Tea ($1.00)
And a Honey Bun (50ยข)

Ay bro we out this bitch lemmie get a five dollar nigga breakfast and catch third for my attendance

by MarioKartEpicness June 11, 2018