Source Code

Nisfa Moment

A nisfa moment is where you become really dopey and do not talk or answer anything or anyone correctly due to the dopeyness you may have. It is called this because Nisfa has these moments on a multiple amount of occasions throughout the hour let alone the day.

Hey man, when’s your next shift?


Huh, wtf you on about?

Oh shit, I had a nisfa moment. My bad

Fuck man, I heard about those. I’m sorry you had to go through that

by Abdul402 April 28, 2020

Nisfa moment

This is where you have a dopey moment and forget about the whole topic and main idea of what you’re trying to say. It is called a nisfa moment because she does this on several occasions throughout the hour of the day, not even throughout the day because she has too many.

When’s your next shift

I work at Argos

Yeah we work together but that doesn’t answer my question

Ohh shit man it’s on Wednesday. My bad I had a fucking nisfa moment again

Damn you must but fucked in the head to have one of those

by Abdul402 April 28, 2020