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No Poop July

You can't shit during July mate, you gotta hold it until August

Oi cunt, why did ya shit during No Poop July

by NotAComedian July 8, 2020

105πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

No Poop July

July, the month where you arent allowed to poop.

"damn I failed no poop July"

by pee in a bottle July 9, 2020

27πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

No Poop July

You heard it right here fellas, no shitting for the rest of July or else

No poop july is exactly what it sounds like

by nlolhere July 9, 2020

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

No Poop July

A challenge similar to No Fap September that consists in not defecating during the entire month of July. (Pissing is allowed)

Person: I haven't pooped in three days but I just can't take it anymore. Should I just poop already, doctor?
Doctor: You're not a quitter, are you? Take some of these antidiarrheal pills and you'll be just fine.

Person: Thanks, doctor! Have a great No Poop July.

by BigBlackCow July 8, 2020

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

No Poop July

the act of trying not to poop for a whole month in order to save it just in case you are in need to shit and can’t .

β€œaye Jeff, lets start a sexy trend where we save our shit for a month, no poop july!”

by tytyiscool20 July 9, 2020

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

No Poop July

An uninteresting, nonexistant internet meme. It revolves around no pooping in The Whole Month of July.

Person 1: Fuck, I'm gonna fail No Poop July, I feel it.
Person 2: Yea, you look like ya wanna shit real bad.
Person 1: *goes to bathroom and poops*
Person 2: Good Game.

by *prrr* July 8, 2020

3πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

No Poop July

No Poop July Is A Made Up Challenge By A Male User On Tiktok. This Male User Has Won NO Poop Juuly, But now has to go through NO Sleep August.

Timmy: Hey!
Johnny: yeah?
Timmy: have you heard of NO Poop July?
Johnny: yeah! I'm going through it!

by OKitsnathan9579 August 12, 2023