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nod out

When you get high on dope and your eyes start to close into dream world. Then you awaken. Yeah you just nodded out.

Man Im so high off this d. Im start to nod out all over the place.

by benyjaykay December 5, 2013

23👍 4👎

nodding out

The action of passing in and out of consciousness when someone takes enough, or too much depressant class drugs. Often a state purposefully attempted by the downer class user for the euphoria it envokes. Resembles passing out from not enough sleep. Can be dangerous if one passes out and stops breathing, or chokes on their vomit while unconscious.

Brian: Jimmy was so high this morning after his breakfast shot of heroin, he ended up nodding out into his breakfast meal of pancakes, and got syrup all over his face.

by brianxymox January 11, 2008

374👍 124👎

Nodding out

What I'm doing right now.

I shot about 6 bags of potent heroin earlier today, and now I'm having a tough time staying awake, aka nodding out.

by Smack Attack June 12, 2008

102👍 115👎