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Usually a pejoartive, insulting term for someone who shares different religious views to that of the person using the word.

"I don't know if you can trust non-believers."

by The Brookester January 27, 2009

50👍 17👎


That really annoying phrase repeated in high-pitched tones; derived from that used-to-be-hilarious-but-is-just-getting-old-now video on YouTube. aka Charlie the Unicorn.

"Shun the non-believer, shunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-nuh"

by WhoWhatWhereWhenWhyBitches March 21, 2009

14👍 14👎

non believers

non believer is a hater!

shun dem fuckers! they are fuckin non believers!

by thigy69 May 24, 2007

6👍 34👎