no no dont touch me there
this is my no no square
no no dont touch me there
this is my no no square
no no dont touch me there
this is my no no square
no no dont touch me there
this is my no no square
no no dont touch me there
this is my no no square
no no dont touch me there
this is my no no square
533๐ 92๐
A region on a body commonly referred to as a "private part". Normally a reproductive system (ie: penis or vagina) or the breasts of a girl.
Girl motioning first to her chest, then her lower region: "Stop, don't touch me there, 'cause these are my no no squares!"
Boy: "I bet I could make them yes yes squares..."
261๐ 62๐
no no square refers to a part of your body which would be inappropriate for someone else to touch no no don't touch me there this is my no no square
my no no square!
31๐ 8๐
stop this meme is dead but ill tell you the meaning anyways, no no dont touch me there or nono square is a song or a sentence is used to describe your private area, it basically implies for someone to stop touching the persons area or your area which you do not one to be touched in, most likely your private parts.
"stop dont touch me there that is my no no square"
12๐ 5๐
(1) Unexciting, unadventurous, mainstream or dull. Generally used in describing a person with such attributes or who plays it safe. Historically, derived from a person whose goal in life is to have three "squares" a day (see definition (3) below), a roof over his head, a respectable job, a house, 2.5 kids, etc. Became a hip/popular expression of derision of the mainstream in the beat generation.
(2) Proper, decent, straightforward, acceptable, even.
(3) A regular and decent meal.
(1) Naw, he's a square; he won't dance (do anything exciting), he'll just shoot crows (go home).
(2) Hey man, thanks for takin' care of that, you're all square with me now.
(3) Dack is joining the army; at least he gets a dry bunk and three squares a day.
569๐ 82๐
A part of the body (mainly referring to the vagina/penis) that would be inappropriate for someone else to touch.
Like the song says...
224๐ 43๐
A square is a gram of speed (amphetamine or Ethylamphetamine).
Dude: Yo, can I get a square?
Drug dealer: Sure?
*shows amphetamine and gives Dude a gram of Ethylamphetamine (made in a lab by Aluminum Galinstan reductive amination of P2P with ethylamine in ethanol water solution).
*dude pays 30 dollars.
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