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north fort myers

am unbelievably boring city (in florida), where nobody does anything, oh and it has a large amount of rednecks and it sucks, it also has like 3 fast food restuarants. it sucks here. 239. Lee conty.

Everything sucks in North Fort Myers

by sheyla June 23, 2008

38πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

North Fort Myers

Home of the Lifted trucks, Rednecks, and Fights Every weekend. It's really a good time, if you know the right people. The older Generation is more laid back, and quick to break a hater's eye socket. The younger Generation are not as tough, and are more subject to whining. Every time a new piles song comes out, the younger generation thinks they are bad ass lol.

Can YOU handle North Fort Myers?

by T.W.P. July 13, 2011

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

North Fort Myers

A sad town with one of the largest trailer parks and a lot of people compensating for something with their lifted trucks. The high school would be wonderful if there wasn't an over abundance of racist and small-minded students. As of late it also has a large population of crack heads living in the woods and begging on the streets. Overly populated too and the Walmart is so horrible that it has to put gates in to prevent theft.

I told you not to stop in North Fort Myers.

by PIkachs May 13, 2021

North Fort Myers High School

North fort Myers High school where there's coke in the girls bathroom, Trans gay kids, teachers who don't teach, my nigga JJ the occasionally good football team, and school shooting threats

Person 1: Yo I heard there was coke in the girls bathroom at North Fort Myers High School
Person 2: Yeah but at least one of the trans gay kids aren't threating to shoot up the school this week.

by fuckthissucks March 4, 2019

23πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

North fort myers high school

where even the teachers come to school baked

person1= north fort myers high school sucks.
person2= well at least all the teachers are still high from the weekend so we dont actually have to do anything ;)

by sam748159263 July 11, 2008

57πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

North Fort Myers High School

Place where all the students are high and the teachers dunno what they doin

North Fort Myers High School is full of pot heads and crazy teachers.

by Balls in yo jaw September 7, 2021

North Fort Myers High School

A school located in SouthWest Florida. The school often brings in students who are all gay and love sucking cock. Everyone is gay. All gay. Please help it’s it’s all gay.

β€œHey, what school do you go to?”
β€œNorth Fort Myers High School.”
β€œOhh the Pride Club School.”

by Kieran Dingle April 4, 2022