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North Melbourne

This AFL team is 💩. They try to get good players but the good players are 💩. They would probably lose to 5 year old tennis players.

North Melbourne is Sh*t

by 4202169 June 4, 2021

5👍 6👎

North Melbourne

A great team back in the 1990's but they are now very shit as we have been on the bottom of the ladder for many years now.

Gone through alot of coaching staff and have mostly lasted for 2-3 months before being sacked

News reporter: A coach of an AFL team has recently been sacked.

Me: Let me guess, was the team North Melbourne

by AussieCUNT123 April 24, 2022

1👍 3👎

miss north melbourne

This term can only be explained by a picture .... a picture you will have to ask me for because UrbanDictionary won't let me upload it .... but rest assured the bloke to whom this term refers, knows well and truly it's him .... Yug .... this one's for you ;)

I got this awesome postcard with Miss North Melbourne on it

by Hey...Yug...its.. Jig December 19, 2024