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nukie dukie

Noun - the act of pooping into a disliked person's microwave oven, then activating it on very high heat in order to cause the poop to seethe and boil and cook, and more generally to reek up all unholy hell. Preferably this is accomplished after one consumes vast quantities of mexican food laden with Cheyenne peppers, extra beans and ex-lax, due to the extra liquid in the feces which allows for a more permanent stinkalicious effect. Also preferable to combine nukie dukies in no set number with a fecal-refrigidal in order to obtain maximum simultaneous cathartic and miasmic effect.

WARNING - If you are considering performing a nukie-dukie on someone, you may or may not wish to perform it while they are actually present to witness it.

Andy: That Bastard Tom just gave me a nukie dukie!!! NOW MY MICROWAVE IS TRASHED!!!

Bill: Ewww....well let's get to it. Break out the cleaners and the bleach...this is really gonna suck.

Andy: That's not the problem. He also ate the steak I left thawing in the microwave, and all my tacos!!!

Bill: No he didn't. I just saw YOU eating a steak taco!!

Andy: Well...I was hungry...and there was no place else to cook it...so...

by Achilleus99 January 28, 2013

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