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oak grove alabama

a town full of dirty ass rednecks , wanna be gang bangers , whores , white trash, and hella stoners, all from deep down in the south. You either hate it there or never wanna leave. Watch out for chickens and goats because they like to cross in front of your cars, you’ll probably see a lot of road kill which isn’t a problem for oak grovens because they will probably cook it up for supper. don’t say i didnt warn you. Oak grove people are T-R-A-S-H and all full of drama, everyone is racist and homophobic. you’ll probably never meet a gay person down there. oh and one more thing watch of for haul mf road , you might die if u go to a party down there ;)

-you hear abt them oak grove alabama people

- no why
- good , don’t go down there or you’ll get ur ass shot

by not a oak groven March 16, 2021

7👍 2👎