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An oboe is a woodwind instrument. It is one of the hardest instruments to play, and it adds a lot of interesting moments to your life. You worry about your reeds being perfect. There are many jokes consisting of oboes. Such as: There was a band directer who had a gun with two bullets there was an oboe player, trumpet player, and bassoon player. who did he shoot? a)The oboe player- twice, just to make sure. Or What's the difference between an oboe and an onion? a)You don't cry when you're cutting up the oboe . Many people think the oboe is an unneeded instrument. It can sound like a dying duck when played badly, and like an angel descending from above if played well. Side note: Never EVER go near an oboe player's reed or oboe, you'll be pounded faster than you can say "help". Keep in mind that oboe players carry around knives to make reeds, so they already have the upper hand. It is commonly mistaken for a clarinet. The oboe is a C instrument and the clarinet is a Bb instrument. So NO they are not alike, they don't even have the same fingerings.

Person 1:What happened to first chair clarinet? Person 2: Oh, he's in the hospital after he touched the oboe player's instrument. Oboe threats are not to be taken lightly

by Awkwardness July 1, 2013

105๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Beautiful when played by a good player; duck-like when played by a not-so-good player. A usually wooden woodwind instrument, part of the double reed family (which includes the bassoon, english horn, etc). Played in treble clef; pitched in C. Insanely hard to play in tune.

That beginner oboe player sounds like she's killing a duck...

by ducky August 9, 2004

448๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful instrument, in looks as well as in sound. It is a slender black tube with silver keys (generally), with a reed sticking out of the top. No ligature is required. It is in the double reed family, which means it is played by blowing on two reeds in such a way that they vibrate. A crow is when one plays on the reed itself, making a noise that resembles a crow call. The noise of an oboe is a rich, penetrating noise. It has a decent range, going all the way up to a high almost-squeak. Gorgeous when played right, and takes many years to master. Considered one of the world's hardest instrument to learn, but well worth it.

The symphony had featured an oboe solo in their concert, showing off it's beautiful tone.

by BeeJee May 15, 2007

159๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


the awsomest instrument ever.sumper cool.DOESNT SOUND LIKE A DUCK!!!!! sounds more like a nice little penguin.

oboe totally kicks butt!!!!

by hippie123456789 May 18, 2008

145๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


A double reed woodwind instrument played in treble clef and pitched in C. A musician who plays the oboe is called an oboist. It resembles the clarinet in terms of outward appearance. In comparison to other woodwind instruments, the oboe has a clear and penetrating voice. The oboe is said to be the instrument that most resembles the human singing voice due to the nature of double reeds and their similarity to the human vocal bands (Ligamenta vocalia). It is beautiful when played by good player; duck-like when played by a mediocre player. Considered one of the hardest instruments in the world.

That n00b oboe player sounds like a duck on crack.

by Ragna the Bloodedge October 11, 2009

83๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


an instrument which almost always plays during sex scenes in movies. If you play it...you are bound to create massive amounts of babies due to this occurence.

I was just watching Meet Joe Black...and did you hear the oboe when they do it?

by hippiechill69 July 17, 2008

109๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pronounced "Owbu" in English.
Slang for a joint in Dutch.

Jij moet niet zo veel oboe roken ouwe!

(Don't smoke that many joints stupid!)

by n008a April 12, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž