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Off the top

To take a portion from the gross. Similar to "skim off the top" but without the secrecy.

Whatever you guys bring in, us five get one each, off the top. So you bring in 30, us five get one each, which leaves 25 to spread around and whatever's left, you keep.

by ProfessorProcrastinate January 5, 2019

22๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

One off the top

To masturbate vigourously; to pull ones pudding, bash the bishop, help Kojak put on his polo neck sweater, choke the chicken, load the single barrelled yoghurt launcher, or knock one out!

"That new girl in Accounts gave me one off the top in the back of the cab last night! It was superb!"

by RTR. September 4, 2008

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off the top

another term for "take off your shirt", used when a hoodman wants a peek at your breasts

Female: do you want me to send you nudes?

Horny individual: yea, off the top

by Fuckingdemon October 22, 2017

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Off The Top Ropes

Similar to "Off the Chain" But newer, and thus cooler.

Did you see the new South Park Episode? Yeah, it was off the top ropes!

by DragonMiasma September 8, 2010

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off the top of my dick

When you come up with something off the top of your head, your other head.

Tim: Yo that joke was funny as fuck
Steve: Yeah, I came up with it off the top of my dick

by aravindv August 17, 2021

off the top of my head

without further consideration

I could tell you 5 examples off the top of my head to prove you wrong.

by dm_ August 29, 2018

Take the icing off the top

To "take the icing off the top" means to read between the lines.

To say one thing but really mean another, to allude to something else.

"Yo Dylan, James is 'chillaxing' with Hannah at hers."

"Cool man, so why're you telling me?"

"Come on man, take the icing off the top"

"OHHHHHHH, netflix and chillaxing?"


by Venerable Baron July 8, 2018

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