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Something done without thinking.
Doing or saying the first thing
that pops into your mind.

"Honey I didn't need that Offhanded reply to my serious question!
Should I get an Xbox360 or the PS3?"

by MarkDB1973 July 4, 2008

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


To know something `offhand`: without having to refer to a source.

PersonA: Hey, do you by chance know offhand who's going to be teaching physics this semester?
PersonB: No sorry, I didn't check.

by L e a f January 17, 2010

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

offhanded comment

A comment made without thinking.

Example of an Offhanded Comment
"Honey what do you think about my new vest?
(Offhanded Comment)Wow that looks like a rug my mom used to have!"

by MarkDB1973 July 4, 2008

27πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

offhand jack

An individual that jerks off utilizing their lesser used hand. Term can also be used to describe the action of utilizing one’s off-hand for such.

β€œSleepy stranger?” I prefer not to sit on my arm, but I have always been one for an offhand Jack.

by The guy666 November 5, 2021


Offhand was a family of axe killers no one ever caught.

Don't cross the offhands

by James offhand smitty June 26, 2018